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How To Program The Honeywell Lynx Touch L5210

Programming tutorial for the Honeywell Lynx Touch L5210

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Hi. My name is Jason with and in today's video I'm gonna go through the programming for the Honeywell Lynx L5210. The same programming steps can pretty much be used for the L7000 as well. So let's go to the table and we'll get started.

All right. So the first thing that we have to do is hook up the power, both the power transformer as well as the backup battery. It is an all wireless system with the exception of the power wire, it doesn't need to be plugged in. So the first thing we need to do to get that to happen, there's two tabs on the top so we have to get this panel open. So what I do is I just gently press down and forward, each side, once they're kind of locked down like that. Then you just gently pry it open and we're done, not making any damage or tear up your fingers trying to get this open. So the first thing that we'll hook up is the A, it's actually a DC power, so this is a DC power transformer. So you can see that it's got a plus and a minus side, so unlike with an AC power source you have to keep those straight. So you also gonna use your red wire on the positive and I'm just using a 18 gauge two conductor wire. I put some spade connectors on here just to make it easy to hook up to the transformer but you don't need to.

So red to positive, black to negative. That's all set and then the wire itself, you'll actually wanna run through the back. So there's a little channel right here that the wire can sit in, so that the panel sits flush against the wall. You can use the one here or you can use the one here, it doesn't really matter whichever direction you wanna go. I'm gonna use this side. When you go over here it's, you can actually put the wire underneath on one of those tabs to kinda hold it into place if you want and then make sure that's it's running through the correct spot. So...

Now I'll try to... make so you can see this. So we got this terminal block, usually it'll be under the stop sticker, it wasn't this time but usually the stop sticker will be right there. Just telling you to use the correct power supply to take that off, throw it away whatever you wanna do with it. So the first terminal it's labeled on the board here, "+9VDC," second one is labeled, "GND," so +9VDC is our positive DC wire which is a red wire and then the GND is gonna be our black wire. So take our wires, pull enough through that I can do it here. All these terminals, you definitely wanna make them tight but you don't need to screw them down so you strip the screws or anything like that, you just wanna make sure there's a good connection, make sure they're snug, make sure the wire doesn't easily pull out, things like that. And you'll do the same for the black wire into the second terminal.

All right. So those are both snug and then we can hook up the backup battery. So the backup battery is gonna go in this compartment here. And you can see there's a little notch out the side right here, that's where you'll wanna run your wires. So insert that in there, wires go into that notch and then there's a couple terminals here one is three, one is two, we'll need two so that's what we're gonna use and the way it's shaped you can only put it in one way, if I flip this backwards I can't put it in. So put it in the correct way, it just snaps into place just like that. Then there's this little clip here and you can see it's got a little hook right here, hold here for screw and what you'll do with that is there's a couple of spots right here, if you have a high-capacity battery you can use that taller one. For this rally battery you can just use the lower one here and you can see it lines up with the hole right there and you'll actually just put in one of the provided screws straight through there so, if you want. For the purpose of this video I'm not gonna worry about putting that in.

So I always like to kinda make sure none of my wires are getting pinched as I close this up. And then it takes a little bit of pressure and snaps close just like that. So then you can make sure that this wire is routed the way you want it and I just snap it under one of those little tabs there. And it lays flat against the wall because you wanna be wall mounting this. Wall mounting is pretty simple you can see the locations here to this one mark, there's screws, script down, wall's open, things like that. I'm just gonna be doing this all on the table for a video purpose so we'll leave it there.So I'm gonna get this plugged in and then we'll get this panel loaded up and we'll start going through the programming.

So when you first turn on the system you go through some bit screens and once it's done booting you'll land on a screen just like this. So to get into the programming which is the first thing we'll need to do, we're gonna push the Security icon and then we're gonna go to More, down here in the bottom right, and now It'll pull up an icon that says, "Tools." Now it's gonna ask for a code, you need to enter the installer code, the default is 4112. You can actually use a master code there but it will pull up a completely different menu. So make sure you use the installer code. Next we're gonna select, "Program." And so this is the, "System Programming," you'll see a list of the different menus and then you can push the down arrow right here and now pull up some more and there's also a back button for when you're ready to exit out of programming.

If you need to default the system, may be it's a takeover system, maybe you're moving to a different house, whatever the case is you'll select, "Default Config," and then you can just select, "Default Config 1", then It'll ask, "Are You Sure?" you wanna select "Yes." Hear those three beeps, that just mean that it's defaulted and then you push back here to go back out.

So the first thing that we're going to look at for the actual programming of the system is under, "System Settings." So there's a lot of stuff in here and you can see there's a down arrow, you can go down see even more options. Most of these your are gonna leave on default and I'm not gonna go through all of them, the only ones we're concerned about for this video is the entry and exit delay options. So we'll see, "Entry Delay 1, Entry Delay 2," and, "Exit Delay." All right now they're set for 30 seconds, 30 seconds and 60 seconds. And, you know, maybe the 30 seconds for Entry Delay 1 is good, maybe we'll put that on our front door where the panels close by, but for Entry Delay 2 let's say there's a garage door that's all further away, might take a little bit longer to get in and be able to disarm the system, so we'll wanna make that 60 seconds. So to do that you'll just tap on that entry delay and you see it goes up by an increment of 15 seconds. Tap it again and does another 15 seconds and now we're at 60 seconds. If you want a longer time it actually keeps going up until it reaches four minutes and it'll do it by 30 seconds and then one minute.

So 30 seconds. 30 seconds and then does it by minutes until it gets to four minutes and then after it gets to four minutes it goes back down to zero and then again back up. So you'll just select, you know, the closest to what you want. So we're going with 60 seconds for Entry Delay 2. The exit delay, I'd like to make the exit delay a little bit longer than my entry delays just because, you know, sometimes when you arm the system you still gotta grab stuff, "let me get the kids out the door," whatever the case is. So let's actually make that 90 seconds. So what we have here is, "Entry Delay 1 30 seconds, Entry Delay 2 60 seconds and Exit Delay at 90 seconds." So once you have them set to whatever you want you'll see the, "Save," button in the bottom right, let's tap that, and It'll pull you back out.

So the next thing that we are going to look at, we'll scroll up, is the date and time so you'll see a button there, "Date Time," tap that. So at the top here you'll see the month, so you can scroll through the different months, the year, you can select whatever year. And once you do that it'll have the calendar for that month in that year. So we're going to select the day on whatever the day is. And then to change the hours and minutes we'll push the down arrow. And so you can see there it says 9:04. And notice this is, "Zero-nine and zero-four." You'll have to have a four-digit number in there, it's not a 24-hour format but it is a four-digit number. So if you want to put 5 p.m. you have to do zero-five. And currently the time is about 3:00 so we'll push the, "Clear," button to clear that time out and then we do, "Zero, three, zero, zero," and it's, "P.M." but if you want it to change to a.m. you just tap that button there,"AM/PM," and It'll toggle. So I'll leave it on p.m. and then again you'll just push Save so the date and time is updated to the current date and time.

So the next thing that we will do is programming our wireless devices for our security zones. And, you know, smoke detectors, motion detectors, door contacts, etc. So you see the button right under Date Time it says Zones, tap that. Now there's a little bit of information in here by default, so you can see, "Front Door, Back Door, Window, Motion Sensor" and then, "New." And you can scroll through the zones using arrow keys over here. And then you also notice zone one just says New. So the easiest way to add your next wireless device is to push the, "Add New," button, this will take you to the first available zone without any serial numbers programmed in for a wireless device. So we push, "Add New," and it takes us right to Zone 2. So Zone 1 is actually reserved for hard wired devices, don't need to use it necessarily, most people won't, but it is there in case you wanna use it. So the next screen here you'll see it says, "Serial Number, Loop Number, Zone Description 1, Zone Description 2, Device Type, Response Type, Alarm Report, Chime and Supervision." So we'll take a little bit time going through each of these as we set up a zone. First we're gonna, for this zone we're going to set up our garage door sensor, so this sensor right here we're gonna program it in as our garage door. So tap the serial number and here it says, "Enter Serial Number or Activate Sensor."

So I'll like to activate the sensor just to make sure it's transmitting, this is easy, quick. But these devices do have labels on them with a seven digit number and that's the number you would enter in if you're wanting to enter the serial number, that's also a number you'll look at to check to make sure that the correct device is transmitting. So to activate the door contact you just take the magnet away, put it close together. You get that beep, then you'll want to do it again. Yeah the double beep and then it shows that seven digit number and it'll also show a loop number right there which is important for when you are manually entering it. The loop number is pretty important. When you did this way it'll automatically put in the loop number. So activate sensor again to confirm this, we get a triple beep. Pull this out it shows the seven digits serial number there, under, "Loop Number," it shows loop number two automatically. If you're manually doing this you'll just tap on it and it will scroll through the different loop numbers. When you manually do it always check in the installation manual and it'll tell you which loop number corresponds to what. So just to make sure you're always using them correct number.

For the zone description you can see in, "Zone Description 1." It says, "Front, Zone Description 2" is blank and then, "Device Type," says, "Door." So this, the zone label for this zone is effectively front door, we wanna change it to garage door but maybe you have like a motion detector in your upstairs hall. So you wanna call it, "Upstairs hallway motion." Then it'll say the upstairs, hallway and then motion sensor as a device type. For this one we're just going to tap on description one and you see it's just Front in the little box there. It's got a nice virtual keyboard here, we're gonna clear it out and the way I like to do it I like to use the built-in library as much as possible which you can check the manual for, you can do custom labels as well. And you can change upper case lower case there and so the way that, the easiest way to do it is just keep it in lower case. The reason for that I'll show you in just a second but so we're gonna push G for garage.

"Gallery," is the first word in the built-in vocabulary in the G's basically, so it's going to go out alphabetical order, so if we push A it's gonna stay in gallery. And then R. Changes it to garage, so the only word that starts with G-A-R in the built-in library word bank is garage so, at that point we could hit, "Done." I'm gonna clear it out and show you what I mean about changing to the capital. So it looks exactly the same right there but if you don't change back then you're just entering a custom word at that point, it's not actually going to enunciate the word garage. So we'll go back.

Lynx Touch: Gallery. Gallery. Garage.

Garage. So once you have the word in you just push, "Done." This is on description two we just wanted it to be a garage door, so we're gonna leave that blank because device type door is what we want, but if you want to change it you tap there and it'll go through and give you various options, you can scroll down to see even more, there is a garage door option but maybe this is just the man door or whatever, so we'll just leave it on door for this example. And then Response Type, so this just tells the system how that zone acts, so for door these are your options it'll change depending on the device type. And so, for our example, our Entry Delay 2 we actually have the longer entry delay that we wanted for our garage door. So we'll select, "Entry Exit 2." Now, "Alarm Report and Supervision." Almost always you're just gonna leave those alone, you'll want the zone to report alarms, you'll want the zone to be supervised. Chime you can generally leave alone as well, if you want a different chime you can start scrolling through them and it'll play an example, just to show you one.

So that's the melody chime. And you can keep pushing any of those. It'll toggle through all the different options, once you have it on one that you like you just hit Save. And so now garage door, this sensor is programmed in.

So in the next example we're just gonna do a motion detector since it's a little bit different so we'll select Add New, it takes us to Zone 3 and just to show you the loop number that I was talking about so it's showing Loop Number 2 there right now but that'll change. For motion detectors the way I like to do is right before we're programming them, I put the battery in and close the case. It takes a minute for the motion detector to completely start up. As you can see the LEDs flashing so while in that we can go into serial number and just wait until the, hold it still until the LED stops flashing just takes about 30 seconds or so. If you don't do it this way, you know, you put the battery in early, a lot of times the motion detector will go into a sleep mode to preserve battery life. And so you won't be able to automatically transmit the signal. If you do it that way you can just tamper the device, work someone low it should wake it up. So you can see the LED stopped flashing so if we just move it side to side LED lights up and we get a beep, so do it again, double beep, you can see there displayed a seven digit and then it shows loop one instead of loop two.

So do that a third time to confirm. And there you go. So it's got serial number in, loop number was on two but it automatically switched to loop number one, that's a nice thing about doing it the automatic way by transmitting. So zone description for this, let's say this is going to be our kitchen motion sensors. So, description one we'll tap there, clear it's K. Kitchen is the first word in the library there so we'll hit done. Don't need this on description two for this zone either and the device type we switch to motion sensor. So now the response type list has actually changed to reflect the kind of device we have. Generally with the motion sensor you're gonna use interior follower, what that means is that, the interior portion means that when you're armed in stay mode that's going to be disabled that way you're not accidentally setting the alarm off when you walk through the house, when it's in away mode it's gonna be active. The follower portion means that it's going to follow entry delays. So if somebody comes in say through the garage door goes into the kitchen, the entry delay is still going. If this was not a delay follower the alarm would immediately go off when it sees motion. But since it's a delay follower, the entry delay effectively disables the motion detector. So we're gonna select that. If you had selected perimeter for instance, it would be active in stay mode and it would not follow the entry delay so any perimeter zone. Even during an entry delay that is broken when the system's armed immediately causes an alarm.

So again long import' we're gonna leave it on yes. Supervision we're gonna leave it supervised and for motion detectors, especially on wireless system, "Chime," is generally disabled. Again the motion detectors will go into a sleep mode whenever they're inactive for a certain amount of time, this is to preserve battery life but that also means that you know it's not constantly looking for motion and transmitting motion. So, "Chime," is usually not that useful for a motion detector. You could activate it if you want I'm going to leave disabled for this, hit save. And so then you just keep going through the list. That's just the two examples I'm gonna give here. But pretty much every device has a very similar process and so once you're done with that you'll just go back out.

So last thing that we're gonna program in is this key fob. So the new key fobs or any wireless key you'll select the key button, so there's none currently programmed so you'll select, "Add new," if you have one in there you gotta use edit or delete it but we'll do, "Add new." First the selection errors key type for buttons. We got four buttons here so that's the correct one if you had a one or two button you just tap here and cycles through the different kinds. So then up here is user, you have to select the user or the key fob won't work. We're just going to select , "Master," for this case. Serial number and again you can enter the serial number, it's printed on the back right there. Easy too. Just type it in or you can activate by just pushing any one of the buttons. It doesn't matter which one. But you see how I'm pushing a different buttons I'm just getting the one beep. You actually have to use the same button three times in a row.

There you go. So it automatically selects the starting zone number. You can go in and choose the starting zone number if you really want to, I usually just let it automatically select it. And in the next four there are the different keys so, "Armed away, disarmed, arms stay," all three of those are good. The fourth button it just has a no response right now. I'll like to change that to 24-hour audible, you can pick whatever you want, really, maybe you want to do a silent panic, whatever it is so once you have everything selected you just push, "Save." And there it is programmed in. You can add another one, edit any of them, whatever you want to do once you're done you just hit back.

So the last thing here when you're exiting programming, this is very important, you push the back button and then this screen pops up allow installer to re-enter programming, we've had lots of people that accidentally select no here you want to select, "Yes." It'll make things a lot easier on you. It's not the end of the world if you select no there's just a way you have to turn the system on and go into programming it just makes a little bit more difficult it's not a super easy process like typing in a four-digit code. So we'll select, "Yes." Now we're back to this menu. You could go back, go back in and you can just hit the home button. That'll take you all the way out.

And now you can test the system. So you see how it not ready to arm, ready to arm that's working. Now we can test our key fob so everything's working.

Lynx Touch: Arm away. Exit now. Armed. Ready to arm.

So everything's working. So that's it for the programming on the Honeywell Lynx L5210. I went through all the basics so if you follow those easy steps you'll have an operating system in no time. As always you can check our website for all our great products, we have a lot of resources FAQs, things like that on there. Or you can give us a call we got the number up on the screen for you. And thanks, and I'll see you in the next video.

And thanks and I'll see you in the next video.