Honeywell Lynx Touch (L5000, L5100, L5210, L7000) Quickstart
Download the Honeywell Lynx Touch (L5000, L5100, L5210, L7000) Quickstart HERE
Throughout Programming anytime the system asks for codes, please use the codes below:
Installer Code- 4112
Master Code- 1234
(Note: These are the default codes and can later be changed. We recommend only changing the Master Code and do not change the Installer Code. If you change the installer code, be sure to write it down and remember it, you will not be able to program the system if you lose that code.)
Zone Information:
Step 1: NOTE: When connecting your power supply (Power Transformer) to your Lynx System, be sure to pay attention to the polarity. The positive terminal on the transformer will be wired to the 9v+ on the Lynx Touch. The negative (-) on the power transformer will go the Ground (GND) next to the 9v+.
Step 2: Default your System: When the system is powered on and you see the main screen, touch the tab on the bottom right that says “more”, then touch tools, then enter 4112, then touch “program”, then hit the down arrow on the right, then touch “default config”, and the hit “default config 1”, and then hit “yes” to confirm.
Then hit the return arrow (top right) one time. We will now set your System Settings.
Step 3: System Settings: Assuming you just defaulted your system, you are now ready to set your systems settings. Touch the tab the says “System Settings”. The screen will now display your current settings. NOTE: The main ones you are worried about will be the top two lines (Entry and Exit delays) and making changes to anything else in this section will not be covered in this quick start guide.
To Set your Entry and Exit delay times, just simply tap the delay time you are wanting to change until your desired time is displayed (15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 2 min, none).
When you have entered your times, Hit “Save”. You should then see an up arrow on the right hand side. Hit the up arrow. (At this time you should see the system programming menu that displays the installer code, system type, date and time, zones, etc…)
Hit “Date and Time”
Setting Date and Time: You should now be able to set your date and time. Simply use the arrow keys at the top to select your month, day, and year. When you have the correct date, then hit the down arrow on the right to take you to the section for the time. Simply enter your current time. You may need to hit the left delete arrow to erase a default time. You must enter 4-digits for the time. And then tap am/pm to select the appropriate time of day. When your date and time is set, hit “save” and this will take you back to the programming menu.
We are now ready to enter your zone information. It is best to make sure all of your wireless devices are ready to be enrolled. You will want to make sure each sensor has a battery in it, and the magnets are next to the door/window sensors and all covers back on. Then go ahead and touch the “zones” tab in the system programming menu.
Step 4: Entering Zones: You are now ready to enter your wireless devices. You will not use Zone 1 for any wireless device. Zone 1 is for hardwired only. All wireless devices begin with zone 2. All key fobs or wireless panic buttons will not be entered into this section.
If you have any questions about “Loops” and what loop should be programmed, refer to the Lynx Touch Installation and Setup Guide, page 14. However, by defaulted, while programming the activated loop automatically is inputted in the control panel.
With each device now powered by battery, covers on, and ready to be programmed, go ahead and select your Zone 2 (by default says Front Door), and once it is highlighted, click edit.
Enrolling the Device: You can either enter the number manually without using the “A” (if you choose this way, make sure you select the correct loop). OR you can enroll by transmitting the device. To transmit the device, make sure you place the magnet next to the sensor, pull the magnet away and the system will beep. Repeat and put the magnet next to the sensor and pull the magnet away. The system will fill in the serial number and loop. Just hit “done”.
Then choose your Zone Descriptor. Begin typing what the device is for. Once you hit the first letter, you can continue spelling the word or scroll through the words beginning with that letter. This will mainly be the first word of the description, as you will select another word later. Once you have the word you want select “done”
Then you will choose your device type. Touch the “device type” tab and select what device you are working with. You may need to use the up and down scroll arrows on the side. Once you select that, the basic programming for that device is done, and you can hit “save”.
And now you are ready to program you next zone, repeating step 4.
Step 5: Entering Key Fobs and other Wireless Keys (you can skip this step if you do not have a key fob or any RF buttons). While in System Programming, click on “Keys”. You will select the section in which a particular key fob/button is assigned to. You must edit the settings and must select a user for the key fob. The key fobs will not work unless they are assigned to a user.
Enroll the Key fob’s serial number by entering selecting “serial number” and enter the ESN by only putting the numbers off the sticker (you do not need to put the letter “A”). Hit done when you have entered the serial number.
Then select your device type (most common is 4 button). Then select the type of response the button is supposed to do. Then select if the item is supposed to report to the monitoring company if an alarm occurs. Hit save.
Step 6: Exit Programming by hitting the return back arrow (top right) and always hit “yes” to allow installer to re-enter programming.
Step 6: Changing Master Code and Adding/Deleting Users
Hit the “tools” tab (if you do not see it, hit “more” and then “tools”. Enter the current Master code (by default it is 1234). Select “Users”. Here you can select “master code” and edit, enter the new code, and then “done”. You can “add new” users and set their own code as well. Only the Master Code will allow you to make changes to the users. Users will not have access to make any changes. These codes will allow you to arm or disarm the alarm.
Step 7: To enter a phone number(s) for self monitoring
At the bottom of the main screen you will see a tab called ‘More’. Touch this.
At the next screen touch the ‘Tools’ icon
You will then be asked to enter your installer code (The default is 4112)
At the next screen that appears touch the ‘Program’ icon
On the next screen touch the ‘Reporter’ icon
You will then see several options. You will either touch ‘Phone 1’ or ‘Phone 2’
Touch the ‘Phone Type’ icon until it changes to ‘Follow Me’
You will then touch the ‘Phone Number’ icon
Enter in the phone number in the screen that appears as you would dial the number from your house phone
You will then touch the ‘Done’ icon
You will then choose which reporting options you’d like the system to call out on. Either touch the ‘Report All’ icon or individually choose each reporting option by touching its icon.
After this is done touch the ‘Save’ icon and back all the way out of programming. (When doing this you will see a popup that will ask if you want to ALLOW INSTALLER TO BE ABLE TO RE-ENTER PROGRAMMING. Always choose YES