Honeywell Lynx Plus L3000 Unboxing
What's in the box? Unboxing the Honeywell Lynx Plus L3000 Kits
Hey, everybody. Jon Boroughs here with Alarm System Store and today I'm gonna introduce you to the Honeywell Lynx Plus L3000 wireless alarm system. What I'm gonna do is a product unboxing, and we do these often. We also do great how-to technical support videos on how to set up most of the systems that we sell. So subscribe to the channel, like this video, and be sure to comment in the comment section below if you have any questions on anything that we cover. What I'm gonna do today is I'm gonna take you through an unboxing of what you get in each of the Lynx Plus kits that we offer. I'm gonna show you what you get in each kit and I'm gonna tell you a little bit information about the panel itself, so let's go.
All right, everybody, what we have here is the Honeywell Lynx Plus L3000 kit. This is what we offer, is kit number one, and your really nice little white box here with all the contents on the inside. And we get these directly from Honeywell. They are factory fresh. We kinda keep a little short stock on the shelves just so we're getting the fresher stuff. Firmware is the number one thing that people worry about, the firmware version. We get the latest firmware version, and that is very important if you've got new modules that you wanna use with your system. Some of them will only work with the newer firmware versions. But we do get these factory fresh, like I said, from Honeywell, and they have the latest firmware in them. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna flip this over here and I'm going to open the box.
Before I open the box, though, when you order a kit from us, what you're gonna get with this kit and what have you is the warning decals. Now, these are warning decals that you can put on your windows or, like, glass doors or whatever. And these are gonna be, kind of, like a little deterrent, you know? People walk up to the house, they see the window...these on the windows or the doors, they know that your home is protected by an electronic alarm system so, you know, these are nice to have. So we include, I think about five or six in the kits. We also have yard signs. Yard signs, they will not come with the kits. You can buy them separately. They're nice, sturdy, aluminum yard signs so you can stick them out in the yard and people will know before they even get up to the front door that you are protected by an alarm system in your home. So we give you some of these.
Now, I'm gonna open up the box here and show you what you're gonna see when you open up the box. And the first thing you're gonna see when you open up the Lynx Plus box is you're gonna get a couple sheets, one is an installation and programming sheet. Doesn't tell a lot, I mean, it goes over some of the basics, you know. You'll get other stuff in here to let you know about programming. It also comes with a wiring diagram. And the Lynx Plus does have some wiring terminals on the inside that you can wire various things to. I'll tell you about those here in a minute but this is one of the first things you're gonna see when you open it up.
The next thing, you're gonna get a packet, quick guide to user functions and also it's got a programming manual in here. Now, I want you to stick, you know, stay tuned to the end of the video because I'm gonna show you and tell you a little something that we do here that will make it a little easier on the programming. So be sure to stick around to the end of the video to find that out. But you're gonna get a little packet from the manufacturer. It's gonna give you some installation guide and whatnot, so get that. Next thing you're gonna see is the panel itself. Take this out of a plastic wrapper.
This is the Honeywell Lynx wireless alarm panel and this is it. This is the main brain and keypad all built into one unit. It's nice and lightweight. As you can see, I've got kinda big hands. So it's nice and lightweight, unassuming. You can mount this on the wall, most people do. I would not recommend mounting it near entry doors because somebody comes in, they see this, smashes it, it's done. So I'd mount this in an out-of-the-way location and get a wireless keypad like a 5828V. As you see here, it has a nice LCD readout screen. It's got actual physical buttons on here. This system itself, it will handle between 25 to 40 wireless devices. We say 25 to 40 because keychain remotes, each keychain remote button from Honeywell takes up a zone so if you've got, like, two keychain remotes, that's eight zones gone from the panel already.
So anywhere between 25 to 40 depending on how many keychain remotes you're using so, but yeah. And then you can also do eight user codes with this. So if you've got eight different people that you wanna assign user codes for arming and disarming, too, you can put them in here and program them in. This panel also features a family message center, like, say you made some stuff for the kids, leave it in the fridge and you want them to know about it when they get home if you're not gonna be there, you can record a message into here and have them play it out when they get home to tell them they got goodies in the fridge. You know, it has a lot of uses so that's pretty nice feature that you get with these.
It also voice announces. So, basically, it'll voice announce system status, and you can also program in zone labels in here by using the built-in vocabulary for it to speak like front door, kitchen motion. It will talk to you and tell you which zone is being violated. So it's good, you know, if...it's kinda a little better than sometimes in keypad noises because it actually, it's somebody speaking to you. With all the electronic devices going today with the beeps and blips and all that, sometimes it's hard to distinguish a keypad beep from some other electronic device you got in the house. This speaks to you, so it's a nice, nice feature. It alerts you when there's something going on. Now, the back of this panel you'll see that we have the mounting holes. We also have, you know, wire run holes.
You can see on the inside of the panel here, we've got the wiring terminals I was telling you about. Now, with the wiring terminals, you can wire it...you've got two terminals you can wire a transformer into that powers the system. You've got a couple terminals in there that you can do a simple normally-closed hardwired switch. So you do get one hardwired zone with this but you're only gonna get about a three-foot wire run. So it's nice if you've got like a hardwired switch that's real close to the main panel. You can wire it in there and still use it.
You've got other terminals in here you can wire a hardwired low current draw piezo siren into and then lastly, you've got phone line terminals. So you can use phone line if you still have it to send signal to a central station, or this panel can be programmed to call one number. So it can call your cell phone in case there's an alarm. And when you answer your cell phone and it calls you, it will speak system status over the phone to you to let you know what's going on, let you know which zone's been violated, what have you. So you can wire a phone line into this. But, yeah, I mean, mounting holes, wire run holes, it's got it all in there for you. And that's basically the panel itself. It's an all-in-one unit. So the next thing you're gonna get in this box is you're going to get a hardware, a hardware packet. These are the mounting screws for mounting it on the wall, and it also has a screw in here to hold your battery down. The other thing in this packet is a resistor.
So if you're gonna use a hardwired zone, you'll use the resistor that comes with this. That's what that resistor is for. If you're not gonna use it, disregard the resistor or put it back for another time or what have you. Give it to Aunt Jodi for a Christmas gift, I don't know, but that's what that resistor's for. Another thing we've got in here are stickers, little stickers that you put on the function keys. And you get function keys on here that can be used if you're using central station monitoring to directly one-button-push page the police, the fire department, or medical. So these stickers will go on those buttons and will help you remember which button you program for which function.
The next thing you're gonna get in here is the backup battery and this is important to have in case your electricity goes out, you'll want this. It will let your system run for up to four hours if you have a power outage and you are definitely gonna have to plug this in because if you don't have this plugged in, you will get a constant error message on the panel that you have a low battery. But yeah, if your power goes out you'll be ensured that your system is running for at least four hours, so that gives you a little peace of mind. The next thing you're gonna see in here is the power transformer and this is non-polarity specific so you don't have to worry about positive or negative. And you'll notice, there is no wire. The manufacturers don't usually send out any wire.
They don't know, you know, they don't know how much you're gonna need, but we do sell it on the site. And, you know, we sell an 18-gauge two-conductor wire in 25 or 50 foot lengths, and you'll need that to wire the transformer into the main panel itself. So you'll get that in the box as well. And next, the last thing is the little battery holder. You get a little battery holder bar. You strap this across the battery after you put it in, screw it down and it keeps the battery from flopping out at you when you're opening the panel, so it keeps it secure. You don't have to worry about the battery falling out.
All right, so I'm gonna move this box and show you what you get in the other kits. Now, we have four other kits besides the kit one which is just a panel. And they come with a couple goodies. So I'm gonna bring those over here and show them to you. The first thing that you're gonna get, and I'm gonna start with kit number two. Kit number two, you're going to get two of these which is a 5816WMWH. This is a wireless door and window transmitter. You can use it on both. You open up the box, first thing you're gonna get in the top flap, you're gonna get the mounting screws for the transmitter and the magnet. And here's the magnet right here. And this is a spacer. You can use this to adjust position, you know, if you've got one piece that rises up higher than the other, you can use the spacer to kinda equal them out. And you get the lithium battery. So those come in the top flap.
And then you pull back the top flap, this is the 5816 itself. It is a block-style rectangular transmitter. And these are standard. A lot of people order them. But if you don't prefer, you know, it's not very aesthetically pleasing, but, if... so if you prefer something a little bit lower profile, we do have micro transmitters and what have you on the site, you know. And links down below in the description. You'll be able to go there and find out. But these serve a good, you know, they work well for what they are. And with most Honeywell systems, you're gonna get a 200-foot radius for placement. So wherever you've got that main Lynx Plus panel at, you're gonna get a 200 foot radius to place your wireless devices and you can use these for windows and doors. You're gonna get two of those in kit number two.
The next thing is a wireless motion detector, the 5800PIR-RES. This is good for pets up to 80 pounds. That means if they're smaller than 80 pounds, they will not set it off. But I will tell you and when you mount these things, you're gonna make sure to mount them in areas where a pet cannot easily access them, like, say the cat. You'd mount it up on the wall and there's a shelf right next to it, and the cat jumps up on the shelf and gets in front of motion detector, it's going to look like a larger thing to the motion detector. So you wanna mount these where nothing can get in front of it easily. They will cover a 35 by 40 foot area, so they're good for motion detection. I'm gonna open it up here and show you what it looks like.
The thing you're gonna get in the box with it, you're going to get the motion detector itself, and you're going to get a lithium battery for power. The lithium batteries that you're gonna get with most of these devices are gonna last you around two, three...two to three years. And this is the motion itself and has the front screen which will look out, and then it has a lower screen right here which will look down. So this is gonna, you know, get anything that's trying to pass underneath the motion. This dealy here, you can mount it flat on the wall by drilling through here, or you can drill through the beveled cornerd if you wanna put it in a corner.
They do sell mounting brackets for these, you know. If you don't wanna mount it flat on a wall or you don't wanna mount it, you know, by screwing through the housing of the motion into a corner, they make mounting brackets. And most of those mounting brackets have swivel bases on them and you can position it to where you wanna, you know, have it pointing. So you get two of these in kit number two. You'll get one of these in kit number two. And then kit number three, you're going to get two of the 5816WMWHs. You're gonna get one of the 5800PIR-RES's and then you will also get this. This is a 5834-4 wireless keychain remote and these are nice. And I'll open up the box and if I can. These are nice because, you know, if you're coming home and you, you know, got a handful of groceries or what have you and you need to disarm the system before you get in the house. You can put your groceries in one arm and then reach in your pocket and grab this out and disarm the system before you even get in the house.
This has four different buttons on it. You get a disarm key, an arm away key, an arm stay key, and this last button can be used as a panic so in case somebody attacks you or something like that, you can hit that button and if you got central station monitoring, it will send out a silent panic and they will send the police. So those are nice to have and you will get that in kit number three with the others. Kit number four, about the same thing. You're gonna get three of these, the 5816WMWHs. You get one of the 5800PIR-RES and then you're gonna get one of the 5834-4s.
And then our last kit, kit number five, you're only gonna get two of the 5816WMWHs. One of the 5800PIR-RES, one of the 5834-4 keychain remote and then you're also going to get a GSMVLP-4G cellular communicator. And that's good if you plan on doing central station monitoring or you plan on using Honeywell's Total Connect service, you'll need that so, you know, you can buy that in kit number five. Also, if you do not prefer a GSM, you'd rather have a CDMA kinda like a Verizon style cellular communicator, we have one of those on site. It's called the CDMA-L3 and you know, don't buy kit number five if you want the CDMA. Get, you know, get a different kit that doesn't have the cell communicator in it and just add the CDMA-L3.That's pretty much it. I mean, it's a good system. It's good for a small home and, you know, or a small business, you know, pretty small business so, you know, nice and easy to set up and when you buy this, we'll help you set it up if you've got questions. And that's been it. Back over to me.
All right, that was the unboxing of the Honeywell Lynx Plus L3000 kits that we offer. So, hopefully, you learned a little bit more about those kits. And I promised you that I would give you something at the end of the video to help make your programming life a little bit easier when you're setting this up. If you will go to our website, alarmsystemstore.com, and I'll put links down here in the description, go to the resources tab, you'll get a drop down. Go down to quick start programming guides and we have a guide in there that we wrote ourselves that's gonna take everything in the manual that you get with the system and condenses it down to about five pages worth of stuff. Makes it real easy. So, you know, if you have any questions on that, be sure to leave comments in the comment section below or call us at (888) 811-0727 and we'll go out to help with pre-sales questions.
If you're an existing customer and you need tech support on this system, then be sure that you choose tech support and have your order information ready, and a tech will be glad to help you out. So that's it for today and I wanna thank you for coming. I hope to see you again, and I wish you guys a great day. Thanks.