20 May 2014
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Did you know that in spite being a first-world country, the United States has yet to address the rise of sudden and very problematic power outages? Brad Plumer, an energy and environmental reporter, revealed that a single blackout could affect 50 million people. Plumer alerted the complacent public that a massive blackout equates to distraction and destruction resulting to death and lost dollars be it in personal or professional investments. With this alarming note, it is easy to see where the food security puzzle piece fits in the equation.
When power is out, the availability and the ability to get hold of even meager food supply gets less frequent, if not, totally inaccessible. The skill of ensuring all your bases are covered begins with practical planning in the light of smart food stocking. After all, food is essential in winning the war of surviving a massively distressing disaster. Consuming the right quality and quantity of food provides the energy needed for making it through seemingly long, uncertain days and nights.
Whether you are on your own, the head of the family or a member of a community, you must duly secure your food supply so as to ensure that your survival and wellbeing won’t be at risk whenever an unforeseen flood, earthquake, or even a man-made economic turbulence comes to your home without knocking on your door. In this time and age of uncertainty, security and safety entails that you and your family are armed with the right game plan, backed up with dependable, portable, very practical emergency survival food kits must be part of every family and community who aim to prepare for the world’s worst disasters.
Survivalists and Preppers Food Buffer
Since the United States has been hit by very dangerous and highly damaging disasters such as Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Sandy, this decade has given birth to a new breed of people who aim at ensuring that their food supply and their other basic needs are always ready and steady. This relatively new group has learned much from the $147 billion-damage from Hurricane Katrina along with the $50 billion that Hurricane Sandy. The damage that these two bring are far beyond that of prolonged power outage; as these two hurricanes mercilessly disrupted the food supply of people who are left with no utilities and could not get out of their homes due to flood and debris that meant inaccessible roads. They go by the name of “preppers” and their philosophy zeroes in on attaining self-sustainability in the face of the violent changes that are brought about by calamities that are growing in terms of magnitude and frequency.
Preppers have devised their signature way of providing nourishment for themselves, their families, and at times, even their communities. No longer perceived as a novelty, even the bigwig National Geographic has ridden the wave of the survival game plan through the show Doomsday Preppers. This show aims to drive awareness and rouse action with the findings of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which boils down to citizens who do not see the need to mind their food supply because they know it’s widely and readily available. In fact, a study reveals that most Americans only stock up on food that will last for three days. Scott Hunt, consultant of the organization Practical Preppers reminded people about the importance of minding your food stock saying, “If your food and water are squared away, you’ll be in a much better position to deal with whatever happens.” Hunt further explained that the vitality of food increases the chances of your survival. So, getting the best food stock is actually a smart way to be a survivalist. What then, does a smart survival food kit look and taste like?
Emergency Food can be Good
Gone are the days when disasters are far and few. With the current economic hurdles on top of arguable yet very much blatant changes in the condition of our global climate, we must look well into preparing for calamities through proper planning and smart stocking. When faced with emergency food dilemmas, aim to address the following questions:
What capacity does my household need?
The first thing you need to make this game plan work is to do a headcount of your household and profiling the needs and wants of each family member. Do you have an infant or a younger child who would need milk? Do you have an elder family member who may need more than just an energy-boosting meal? Even more, does anyone in the household have allergies toward a certain food ingredient? Planning your emergency food supply along these lines would give you a more vivid picture as to what food you need to prioritize.
The best emergency survival food kits come with a variety of food choices that would suit the dietary needs and personal preferences of the whole household. Scout for emergency food kits that offer a wider menu that are packed through generous portions. This way you could easily adjust how much a person must consume or at least, estimate what he or she can intake. When crisis strikes, people either overeat or have difficulty in eating due to stress. When you befriend your emergency food supply estimates, you are on your way to being able to estimate a more realistic survival food kit budget.
Feeding a household seems to be challenging logistics-wise. Is my emergency food kit portable or handy enough?
Canned goods and food items packed using glass jars usually come to mind whenever food for emergencies such as disaster surface. While this is considerable enough, these containers are not sturdy enough to make it through a flood, an earthquake or even mishandling. The beauty of emergency food kits is that they are designed to withstand uneventful conditions. More than that, you no longer need to worry about packing your food supply since all the things you need are already in one sturdy and ready bucket. More so, the best survival food kits are those that take up the least space and are stackable.
The Wise Emergency Food Kit expert team has made sure that you need not worry about the space that your food kits will eat up as you could feed a family of six with a stack that is as big as the space for a washer and dryer. This way, should you need to evacuate to a safer place during a calamity, you can conveniently bring your food supply without thinking of dealing with fragile food in glass jars or canned goods that are heavier and bulkier. For one week, four adults are guaranteed generous servings of this sumptuous survivalist food with a single bucket of the Wise Food Supply 01-160-60 Serving Entree Only Grab and Go Food Kit. This emergency food kit is filled with 15 packs of Mylar-packed, easy-to-prepare, well-portioned food finds such as tomato basil soup, chicken ala king, pasta alfredo, and potato and chicken flavored pot pie, to name a few.
How dependable is my emergency food?
Shelf-life is probably one of the most pressing concerns in the idea of stocking up on food. More often than not, canned goods and food inside glass jars have an average shelf-life that runs from two to five years. With the dedication of experts, shelf-life of emergency food kits has been longer than usual. When buying survival food kit, check its expiration date. While you can always go for DIY food preservation, contamination is still something that is combated by scientifically proven methods of keeping food in its best state.
Currently, Wise Emergency Food Kit has a proven track record of delivering good, just-in-time food that last up to 25 years. That’s more than two decades worth of investing on food supply security that’ll surely make the most out of every penny you put in it. The team has successfully given you the access to good food that needs very minimal maintenance, and requires no refrigeration. Bid goodbye to the worry of the possibility of unearthing spoiled food just because you came in late for its “best before” date.
How do I marry quality with the quantity of my food supply?
Good food is not about keeping a luxurious palette. In fact, experts encourage people who are faced with disasters to turn to food not only for energy and nutrient replenishment, but also for a much needed break time a morale boost. Think this is not possible to whip up in the middle of a disaster-stricken day? Think again, Wise Emergency Food Kit have dedicated their time and effort to make the most out of just adding water to be able to enjoy a decent, filling meal despite the natural and man-made turbulence that impedes you and your household. A good number of Wise Food Supply has seriously taken amazing lengths to provide gourmet meals that range from appetite-boosting starters such as tortilla soup, comforting pasta dishes like lasagna and alfredo, delightful entree like stroganoff, chicken ala king and even Asian rice meals like teriyaki. You no longer need to worry about compromising quality of your food just to ensure that your food supply will last for a week or so.
What are the other purposes of emergency food kits that I may find useful?
For families who are still tempering the tide of being a prepper or at the very least, trying to appreciate the importance of smart survival food stocking, try toting the Wise Food Supply 622GSG -5 Day Survival Back Pack on your next adventure-laden camping or hiking trip.
Convenient and compact this 11-lbs. backpack holds a delicious yet practical menu may consist of creamy pasta and vegetable rotini for appetizer, southwest beans and rice coupled with rice pilaf for energy-boost, apple cinnamon cereals for sweet tooth cravings, and whey milk for those who’d rather take a fill from drinking. This pack also showcases a first aid kit, an emergency poncho, a Mylar blanket, fuel tablets for fire, water pouches, and even a deck of cards to keep you up all night, or to calm your stress-filled day.
Stock Wisely, Choose Food Safety
A crisis brings forth an overwhelming amount of physical, emotional,and mental stress. As such, replenishing your calorie intake alongside your recommended nutritional allowance must be something you should prioritize. By planning ahead, you avoid the hassle and additional stress caused by the reality that people scamper in groceries or supermarkets only when a disaster has already stricken. You have witnessed how panic buying brings out the worst in people who suddenly face an emergency that may endanger their safety and security concerns.
When it comes to keeping food buffer stock, individuals and communities must look closely into maximizing food portions for adults, children and their special dietary needs, shelf-life, portability, packaging, overall quality of taste and how it can give more value to its consumers. To win the threats of the food supply war, you should plan with nothing less than the most dependable emergency food supply. Incorporating this essential element in your worst disaster game plan will keep your ground stable in spite the unrest and havoc caused by emergencies. Securing an emergency food kit does not only lifts both necessary and unnecessary stress off you and your families shoulder; all the more, your chances of surviving the worst disaster is no longer a tall order, as it is anchored on proactive and attainable measures and mileages.