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How to install and program a 5800WAVE wireless siren to a Honeywell Lynx Plus L3000

4 things you need to know about installing a 5800WAVE wireless siren on a Honeywell Lynx Plus L3000

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Jason: Hi, my name is Jason and I'm from And in today's video I'm going to show you how to connect a 5800WAVE wireless siren to a Honeywell Lynx Plus L3000. For more videos on L3000 and other Honeywell products as well as our other security products, make sure to subscribe to our channel. So let's go ahead and go to the table and we'll get started.

To program the 5800WAVE we actually need to start at the Lynx Plus, so we're gonna go into programming with the installer code followed by 800, and then you need to go to field 24 so you enter star 24. And this is where you're going to set your RF house ID code. It can be anything from 01 to 31. By default it's set to 00 which is not used and you can really set this to whatever you want. It doesn't make a huge difference in most cases. Only time it will really come into play where it matters is if you have a neighbor also using a wireless Honeywell system that's using the same house ID code as you. If that's the case then you can get interference with each other, you know, their panel could control your stuff or vice versa. So again that's pretty rare but you can kind of set it to something random and that will decrease the risk even more. Probably the most common ones are 01 and 10, so you can probably avoid those. For this video I'm just going to use 01 just because it's easy.

So now that we have that set we'll just do star 99 to exit programming and then we'll move over to the 5800WAVE to continue with process. So here's the 5800WAVE. I'm just going to kind of go over a few things about it. So on the back you'll see there's screws to fasten it close, and it comes with two of them in. You can see that there is a plug with the ground, and then above it there's a guide. So this actually goes in the outlet above so in a normal duplex outlet you'll put this in the bottom, this will go on the top. And then this hole here actually goes all the way through to the front and you'll have a screw that goes through there that I will secure it to the outlet so nobody can easily remove this. Then obviously here's where the siren sound comes out, and above that is three LEDs which goes green, yellow, red and these will kind of give you some indications on how the siren is working. So to start out... Oh, and then also right here you can see on a sticker is the serial number which we'll use a little bit later on. This will be so that this can be supervised. You can use this actually with just the house ID code but it won't be supervised. You won't be able to tell when the battery's low, or if somebody removes it from the wall.

So let's open this up by removing the two screws. All right, so on the front cover you can see the siren and the backup battery, backup battery comes unplugged, siren does come plugged in. I'm going to actually unplug the siren just because it'll be easier to show you the other half but you don't need to do that really. If you do remove it just remember where the red wire goes, where the black wire goes, because this pin can be switched around. Or refer to the video. You'll see you where it's at. So in the back plate, you can see right here, is the plug for the backup battery and then the other main thing, of course you have the serial number here again if it isn't on the back or gets lost, damaged, removed, whatever the case is. And then hopefully you can kind of see these pins here. They're numbered one through eight and you'll see on at the top here, so if they're flipped up they're on, down they're off. So for instance I just flipped pin four on. What you'll use these for is setting the house ID code.

So if we go over to a manual that comes with the siren and you open it up you'll actually see a chart here that goes over how to set your dip switches. So on the left-hand side here as well as in the middle, you'll see house ID and so you'll just, whatever you set your house ID code to, you'll go to that line. So we set it to one and then you'll see dip switch positions four, five, six, seven, eight. So if they're a dash they're off, if they say on they're on. So if we go to one, let's see, four, five, six and seven are all off, eight is on. And then here at the bottom you'll see dip switches one, two and three must be set to off. So in every case here you're gonna use one, two, three set to off. So the only thing, since these are all set to off already, only thing we need to change is number eight, we need to flip to on. Just like that. So now once you do that you can plug in your backup battery. The backup battery pin is made so that you can only plug it in in one direction so that makes things a little bit easier. Once you have it plugged in you're just going to close it up, make sure all your wires are out of the way, and then put the screws back in. So I'm gonna go ahead and put the screws back in and then show you a little bit more.

All right, so I got the screws put back in. I just went ahead, put the two screws in. You'll wanna put all four in just for a little extra security there and generally you're going to be plugging this into an actual wall outlet. For this video just so you guys can see everything, I'm just gonna use a regular extension cord here, get that plugged in. Now you can see that the LEDs come in here...

Alarm: Disarmed. Ready to arm.

...and the panel will vocalize.

Alarm: Disarmed. Ready to arm. Disarmed. Ready to arm.

Jason: And that's just showing you and telling you that it's connecting to the panel. Yellow LED will be on for about 15 seconds. So basically as soon as you plug this in, because the house ID codes match the dip switches here as well as the one we entered in the panel, it'll automatically sync up. Now this is a little quirky with the L3000. So the green light is kind of your power light, everything's functioning properly light, and generally that's the only light you want on. But you can see this red light is on. Now I'm literally a couple of feet from the panel so this red light's kind of not telling us the truth. Basically that means that there is poor signal strength. Normally you would then wanna find a different location for this so you have a reliable usage out of it, but...get my door contact here. You can see if I take this door contact and I just fault it a few times, it only took one time that time, it actually made this red light go off. So something with the L3000, I've tested this on multiple systems they all seem to do it, that red light will come on every time when you're connecting to the L3000. To make sure that it's truthful you just need to fault a zone. May take one time, may take two, three times. Shouldn't take any more than that. I've only had to do it three times to get it to work. If you still have a red light after playing with the system a little bit like that then you know that you probably do have bad signal strength. And you can use a little common sense as well. If you're right next to the panel like I am it's highly unlikely that I have poor signal strength.

So for the next thing we're going to show here, you can see these two lines on the side here. This is actually for the magnet. I'm gonna grab the magnet here. So this magnet you would mount to the wall. You have a couple holes here that you can put screws through. And you wanna line it up so that it fits right there. So when it's mounted on the wall it's actually got a reed switch in here that's gonna be closed by the magnet. Now you will have to program this magnet and reed switch into your control panel.

So let's go ahead and go through the process of doing that. All right, so the next step for your installation on your 5800WAVE is to activate the supervision. So to do this you actually need to mount your magnet and plug it in, at least that's the easiest way I found to do it. You don't have to do it that way. So what I suggest doing is taking your serial number off the back of the device as you can see here or inside the device, write that down and then mount up your magnet on the wall, plug this in. Once you have that, because one of the key steps to this is the magnet has to be next to the reed switch here within 15 seconds of powering up. If it's not it basically deactivates that until you unplug it and plug it back in, then you have another 15 seconds. So I've just taken some tape to attach the magnet there since I'm not plugging it into a wall and I'm gonna go ahead and plug it in. So plugged in, we got our yellow light on, you'll switch, you know, we get the red light just because of the L3000. After about 15 seconds the yellow lights gonna go off here.

Now once you do that, your next step is to go to your L3000 and go into programming. Once you're in programming you need to go to star 56 and you're going to go to your next available open zone. For instance we'll use 06. So then we'll push star. Now the zone type I recommend using is 03. Basically 03 is going to, any time the system is armed, if this is tampered with, it's going to cause an alarm. So go ahead and enter 03. This is just parameter type so it's an instant alarm whether it's armed in stay or away. Then we'll push the star. Report code, generally you're going to wanna use 10 there so you're just gonna push a one and then star. You're gonna use RF supervised, so that's correct.

Now here we're not doing the auto alarm process just because it in my opinion it's easier just to enter it yourself rather than plugging this in, taking that out because you'll have to trip your read switch repeatedly. So you wanna select the loop number, it's on one now. So you can see that well if I push two it changes too. This is our loop number, so you're just gonna leave it on one and you'll push star and then it says enroll mode. Now you wanna push one here and this will allow you to manually enter the serial number. So it changes to 1B serial number. So now you go to your serial number here that you've hopefully written down. So I have 0836610, and then you just push star. And it has it there again so as long as that's correct you're just gonna push star again.

And then to zone descriptor, you can enter one if you want, I'm not gonna bother with it. I don't expect this zone to ever really be open. I don't need a chime on it, things like that. So I'm just gonna go ahead and push star and then it'll take you to your next zone obviously. So to exit out once you're at zone number you push 00 and then star 99. It's gonna exit programming here. Now I just plugged in the battery so it's probably gonna give me a low battery here any second. And then we'll also test the tamper here. It should show a zone fault when I remove the magnet, so I'm gonna remove the magnet and you can see it shows zone six, low battery, disarmed not ready. So you push star...

Alarm: Disarmed. Not ready to arm.

And then let's view the faults with star.

Alarm: Fault.

So zone six fault, so then if we put the magnet back you can see disarmed ready. It's still showing us the RF low battery. Now this is a rechargeable battery so...get a chance it'll show it to you in initial installation, but let it sit for, you know, if it doesn't go away after day then you know you have a bad battery. But it should go away pretty quick. And then you can also see now that I tampered that a couple times, our red light went away. So we have good signal strength, we're getting the low battery from here and we can fault this zone and we get the fault.

So that's the whole process. Again the second part is technically optional but we definitely recommend doing that. If you don't have the supervised then you're never gonna know if there's low battery, if there's somebody tampers with it you don't know about it, etc. So you'll want to make sure it's supervised and then the house ID code matches. As long as you have all that you'll be in good shape.

I hope you found the video helpful. If you did, make sure you hit the like button. And you can always visit us on our website, we have lot more resources available there as well as any equipment you would need. So thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.