What are the features of Alarm.com Interactive + Automation?
Alarm.com Interactive + Automation has all the great features that come with Alarm.com Interactive which you can find here.
In addition to those features this service level has home automation features, as the name suggests, that are integrated into the same app and with your other feature set. But there are also a couple of other bonus smart home features. Interactive + Automation is a big step up from the previous plan.
The first new feature is unexpected activity alerts. This is a smart home feature that will learn the habits of your house and notify you of any activity that is out of the ordinary. Unexpected activity alerts is a feature that was released at the beginning of 2017.
Another smart home feature that is included with Interactive + Automation is severe weather alerts. Alarm.com will push severe weather alerts directly to your panel and app so that you can take any necessary actions to keep safe.
The rest of the added features are for home automation. These include Z-Wave devices for lights, thermostats, locks, and garage doors. On top of Z-Wave, Alarm.com has included integration with Liftmaster MyQ devices for garage doors and Rachio irrigation systems. The great thing about home automation with Alarm.com is that you can easily set rules that will allow your home automation and security panel to work together synergistically.
For a full list of compatible hardware go here: https://www.alarm.com/partners/hardware.aspx.