19 Jan 2017
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There is a certain charm about living solo. To the modern dweller, living solo does not mean being alone but being more in control, having more freedom, and finally getting a taste of what independence truly is about.

The proportion of solo living is on a rise. In fact, 27% of the American household has a one-person dweller according to the Census bureau. This is the highest surge since the 1920s, and quite an alarming one. Apart from health concerns, security is among the primary issues that must be addressed.
When a burglar breaks into your house, what do you do? Who do you call? The dangers of living alone have indeed made security systems a necessity. Solo dwellers have to look after themselves and you are inclined to set up alarm systems so you can monitor yourself.

A self-monitoring security system basically means that the homeowner monitors his or her own home security instead of a staffed central monitoring or command center. This usually means that the homeowner is connected to the Internet via a mobile device where he or she can monitor house activities through home alarm parts. Over time, self-monitoring security systems were made better with various accessories to upgrade the system and make it more efficient.
Are you ready to take full control of your household and safety? Here are the best self-monitoring home security system accessories for solo dwellers.
1. Blaring out the siren
Let the Ademco 5800WAVE Wireless Siren make the noise when a burglar is in the premise.
A siren is one of the most basic alarm tools. They come in wireless models and can be mounted on almost any surface of your home. They look harmless but they emit a mammoth of a sound during an emergency situation. There are sirens that are just loud, but the more recent models have dual or two-tone sounders that you can program with high or low volume.
The Ademco 5800WAVE Wireless Siren is one of the important alarm system accessories a solo dweller can have. They make such a disturbance when you need them to. Even after the burglar has ran a few hundred meters, the siren can continue blaring and let people and authorities know that you were in trouble.
2. The siren driver

To further enhance your siren, you will need a voice siren driver like the ELK 120 Recordable Voice Siren Driver. It comes with four channels that can be programmed either as four channels for voice or two channels for voice and two for siren. The fun part is that you get to choose the tone of your siren with these options: Classic Yelp Sound, Temporal Coded Horn or Pulsing Industrial Horn. These sounds can also be triggered in sequence with voice channels. You can play them just once or repeatedly.
3. Speaker of the house
Blast a warning in no time with the ELK SP35 Mount 20 Watt Interior Speaker
Another must-have home security system accessory for self-monitoring is a speaker. Most speakers are indoor and will need a siren driver to be able to blast a warning. You need to wire the speaker to the siren driver and then back to your panel. Speakers such as the ELK SP35 Mount 20 Watt Interior Speaker can also be used as a PA system as they make for great loud speakers.
4. Listen to the voice
Do you remember how people went crazy for Siri? Having a personal assistant right at your fingertips surely makes you feel like a boss. You can ask her anything or make her do anything.

This is also what the voice auto dialer Visonic DL-125C 2 Channel Voice Dialer will do for you. Not just for fun but also during emergency. One of the best self-monitoring home security system accessories, the voice dialer can call up to four different numbers upon alarm. The device has a two-channel feature: one for burglary and one for other emergencies such as fire. The voice dialer can be triggered from an alarm system or independently. Some also have a listen-in feature that allows you to monitor sounds from a certain location via a built-in mic.
5. Light it up
If a sound or siren is not enough to warrant attention during emergency, why not pair them with a visual indicator? To beef up your self-monitoring home security, get strobe lights that will signal and alert neighbors and passersby that something is not right.
Everyone in your surrounding will know that something is not right with the DSC SLCC Clear Strobe Light Photo courtesy of Alarm System Store
The DSC SLCC Clear Strobe Light shines bright at 60,000 candlepower units and 90 flashes per minute. It is best to mount them side by side with your siren for maximum effect. Strobe lights even come in different colors.
6. Caught on camera
These days, we feel safer with a camera. It is the most effective deterrent to abusive behavior. If anyone is acting unreasonably, a camera almost always pacifies them. This is why solo dwellers need to have surveillance cameras at home. Most of them are wireless and easy to install. With covert or surveillance cameras, you can catch an unsuspecting thief and report him to authorities. Cameras, a vital part of any security system, can be programmed so that you can view real-time events via your mobile device.
7. Who’s at the door?
People who live alone naturally feel uncomfortable when someone knocks at the door especially if they are not expecting anyone. The Alarm.com Wi-Fi Doorbell Camera can help you with that.
It basically combines a doorbell, camera, and microphone into one device to give you a clearer picture of the person/s at the door. It features an impressive full-color night vision, speaker, and microphone so that the person at your door doesn’t necessarily have to stand in front of you to get a glimpse of him. It also has a motion sensing feature and a built-in two-way communication system.
This alarm accessory essential for solo-living also records a video and stores it so that you can view the people who knocked at your door while you’re away. It record clips based on these criteria that you can set yourself: schedule, button presses, motion detection, and system events such as alarms or sensor activity.
Living on your own doesn’t have to terrify you. As long as you are prepared and your property is equipped with all the necessary self-monitoring security accessories, your layer of defense improves. Solo dwelling should be an exciting opportunity for growth and should not worry you with personal safety concerns.