IPDatatel IP BAT WIFI Installation for Honeywell Vista 15P and 20P Tutorial
Installation tutorial on the IPDatatel IP BAT WIFI for the Honeywell Vista Series alarm panels
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Hi, my name is Jason with alarmsystemstore.com. In today's video, I'm going to be going through the programming and wiring process for the ipDatatel BAT communicators on the Honeywell Vista alarm systems. This video will apply to any BAT unit. So the BAT Wi-Fi, the BAT LTE, whichever model, as well as any Honeywell Vista panel. So let's go ahead and go to the table and we'll get started.
All right. So we'll start here with the IP BAT Wi-Fi. Now, this is going to be the same process for all the ipDatatel BAT units. So BAT CDMA, BAT LTE, et cetera. So when you open that up, they'll all pretty much look similar to this as well. There's just the communicator and there's a Quick Start Guide here. You'll probably wanna use the full manual when you're doing this or, of course, you can watch this video.
So to get this open, you'll see at the bottom here, there's two tabs. And you're just gonna take a screwdriver and lightly pry on these. Doesn't take much. And then at the top, there's a plug ...on the cellular units there, of course, be an antenna sticking out through there. On this unit, you just have a plug. They use the same case on them. All right. So in here, you can see a few things on here. You have your MAC address followed by the CRC, that's very important for when you're getting your account set up. And then on the side here, you have your terminal strip. This is the other most important portion here. So they're numbered at the bottom here, 1 to the top 16. So they're just numbered.
To know exactly what you need to use, you'll go to the manual. I have the wiring diagram printed out here. So this is the Vista Control Panel and what they're using to represent it. And this is your 16 terminals on the BAT Wi-Fi. So for the Vista Panel wiring, you're just going to be using one through six. So tip ring, positive, negative and then yellow-green. And then, of course, on your Vista, ring and tip. So ring connects to ring on this tip, to a tip. Then you have your negative-positives. Negative to negative, positive to positive and then we have data in data out. So data in is your green wire, data out is your yellow wire. So you're just gonna follow this diagram to figure out exactly how you need to wire it. It's pretty easy to follow.
So what I always use is just a couple of four-wire connections here. So, obviously, we only need six conductors. So I use just standard four-conductor and then I use a second four-conductor but I bend back the yellow and green so I just have two or vice-versa. But just two wires, obviously, is all you need and you just wanna make sure you use the same color on both ends. So start with the two conductor for tip and ring. And, again, it doesn't really make a difference which way you do this. I'm gonna do black for tip and red for ring. So tip is terminal one.
Ring is terminal two. So as you can see it's a pretty simple process, you just have to make sure you keep all your wires straight. So I'm gonna get my other four conductor wire out here. Terminal four...or sorry, terminal three is the positive which is gonna be your red wire generally. Terminal four is your negative which will be black. Terminal five is your yellow wire. And terminal six is the green wire. And then just like that.
So, of course, generally, you would actually run these wires through this knockout in the back here. I'm not gonna bother knocking that out for this video but you'd run your wires through that so that you can close the lid obviously but just to show you wiring up the terminals, this will do for that. So let's go ahead and go over to our Vista Panel and we'll connect these wires to the actual panel.
Okay, so here we have the Vista 20 Panel. It's just our demo panel. The Vista 15P will be the same exact process. You'll see slightly different terminals because there's two less zones so terminals 18 through 20 would not be there on the 15P. Everything else is exactly the same.
So let's go ahead and start with our tip in ring. And so we had to use black for tip and red for ring. So you'll go to terminal 24, which is right here, second from the last. Loosen that up and that is going to be our ring which is red.
And then terminal 23 is our tip. Just like that. Then for our four-wire connection for the key bus connection here, we already have a keypad connected here so it's actually pretty easy to see. You're just gonna mirror that exactly. If you aren't sure you know, you can, of course, look at the wiring diagram on the inside of the panel. It's gonna tell you exactly the terminals to use and you can always reference the ipDatatel manual. But since we already have a keypad wired up, it's really easy. You just got the same exact four terminals using the same exact colors.
So we got black. Red. So those are power wires. And then we got green. Of course, green is data in, and then we have yellow which is data out.
All right. So that's all the wiring. I'll go ahead and close the cabinet up here, power it back up, and we'll go through the programming steps. All right. So once it's powered up, now I've got some trouble conditions but that's just because of the way it's programmed and wired right now. We're gonna ignore those for the purpose of this video.
So the first thing you're going to do is go into programming, which is the installer code followed by 800, default being 4112. So once it's in programming, you'll see installer code 20 on the screen, as long as you have a 6160 keypad obviously.
So the first section that we're going to look at is section 41. So you'll type in star 41. And this, as you can see, is primary phone number. So here you just need to enter a phone number. It doesn't matter what phone number, we just need to trick this dialer to dial out because actually going to... Since we're connected to the tip and ring to the ipDatatel BAT unit, it's going to dial out. The IP BAT is going to pick up that dial out and convert it and send it through the Wi-Fi or cellular, depending on the model you have.
So to enter in the phone number you just type it in. I'm just going to do 15555555555. Once you have it entered in, you just hit star. You get that triple beep, automatically goes to section 42, but we actually wanna skip ahead to section 43. So we'll do star 43. All right. So this is the partition one account number. And, again, it doesn't really matter what account number you use, so I just type in 1234 and then star. And, again, you get that triple beep. Next, we need to go to section 49. So you type in star 49, and you want to enter in 5. And that will make sure that all of the communications go to the BAT unit.
So then we'll enter star 54. And this is your signaling delay. You wanna add zeros so that there's no delay. It will automatically go to section 55, and again you wanna do zero so that it does the phone first. Star 65 will be next. And so this is the open report. And here you wanna enter 1, if you want the opening and closing which that's arming and disarming basically. And there's actually three of them, one for each partition. So partition one, partition two, and then the third is the common partition. So I always just enter 1 three times. And then it's going to take you straight into section 66 where you'll wanna do that again. This is the closing report or the always stay report. Do 1 three times.
And then you go to section 193. And so this is for our keypad address 20. So the ipDatatel BAT is actually going to use keypad address 20. So you'll wanna keep that in mind if you have multiple keypads on your system, you wanna make sure none of them are set on keypad address 20 because that is what the BAT is going to use. And so to enable it, you're just going to do 1 and then 0.
So that's all the programming required. And so once you're done, you'll do star 99 to exit. Make sure you use the 99 to exit, otherwise you will potentially lock yourself out of programming. This becomes more inconvenient.
So that's all the programming required and all the wiring.
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