BBB Business Review

5 things You Need To Know About Honeywell Lynx Plus L3000 Trouble Codes

How to deal with trouble codes on the Honeywell Lynx Plus L3000

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Hi, Chris here with Today I want to help you try to understand and how to rectify some common trouble codes that could occur on your Honeywell L3000. Many of our tech support calls we get here everyday are concerning trouble conditions on one system or another. Basically, a trouble condition is a situation that will not allow your system to work, or at the very best, not work properly.

So, the good news is the manufacturers provided all the information we need to troubleshoot and rectify these situations. The bad news, on the other hand, is that information is in the manual. You know, the manual we don't get when we buy a new system. So, for your troubleshooting pleasure, we've included a link on our website, under the resources tab that will give you the two-page troubleshooting guide that I'm about to refer to. So, let's take a walk over to the bench and take a look at what this troubleshooting sheet looks like.

And here we have our troubleshooting guide. You'll notice it's set up in a pretty simple to understand little grid. We have a symptom on the left, possible causes in the center column, and then how to remedy that in the far right column.

Okay, so here we are at our L3000, and I think I'm seeing a trouble. "Disarmed Ready. LowBat." Well, that's cool, except, how do I know? Is it a zone number 12? Or is it the main battery? Or is it the battery on my siren? Well, I'm gonna refer to our troubleshooting guide again. The low battery section, section three here. Low battery with no zone number. Low battery, no zone number. According to this, that indicates the system battery is low or missing, and I should replace it. So, let me take a look at that and see what's going on, and see if that clears our trouble.

Okay, so I took this unit apart, and wouldn't you know it, I didn't plug in the backup battery. So that's what this error was about. But you'll notice I remedied the problem. I still have a trouble showing. This is probably the best tip I'm gonna give you today because we know we've rectified it, but the troubles still there. So what we wanna do is go into programming, 4, 1,1,2, 800. And then we're gonna bounce back out of programming immediately, and that will reset that trouble. We're gonna do that with *99. There we are "Disarmed Ready," everybody's happy.

Some faults, as we're gonna see here, are easy to rectify. So easy, in fact, they take care of themselves. Let's take a look at a faulted door, for example. Move our magnet away. It tells us where our fault is. When we correct that, put it back. It auto-corrects for us. Very easy.

I surely hope you never have a trouble condition on your L3000, but if you do, I hope you remember, go to, under the resources tab you'll find our troubleshooting guide that we referred to today, as well as answers to about any question you would ever have regarding alarm systems. We're adding new video weekly, so check back often, or better yet, hit the subscribe button so you don't miss a thing. For, I'm Chris Campbell.