Envisalink 4 by Eyezon
Eyezon Envisalink 4 Review
Looking for a way to self monitor your alarm without service fees? Want the ability to remotely arm and disarm your system without ongoing service fees? The Envisalink 4 may be exactly what you're looking for.
Hey everybody, Jon Boroughs again, here for Alarm System Store and I'm here to talk to you today about a new product we got on our shelves from a company called EyezOn Incorporated. They're based out of Canada and what they make is an internet communicator. It's called the Envisalink 4. Now its predecessor, the Envisalink 3, was great. Our customers loved it but they decided to come out with a new version, and what this internet communicator does is you can hook it to a DSC 1616, a DSC 1832, or a DSC 1864, as well as the Honeywell VISTA 15P and VISTA 20P. When you hook it to your system you'll hook it to a router as well, and it will send you emails and text messages of alarm events and trouble codes that you'll get from your system. It also allows you to remotely control your system by giving you the ability to arm and disarm off-property or bypass zones.
Another neat thing about the Envisalink 4 is that if you have IP cameras that you've port-forwarded through your router, you can take the port-forwarded IP address and plug it into the user interface of the Envisalink 4 and view your cameras at the same time you're viewing your system status. When you're viewing your system status you can see previously opened or closed zones. It's a nice thing to have if you don't want to have central monitoring. You can receive the messages yourself and then call the police or fire department on your own.
So there are a few upgrades to this over the Envisalink 3, which was its predecessor. When you're hooking this in, it has a series of green LED lights that will stay lit when you have it installed correctly; nice little feature to have on that so you know exactly if you're doing it right or if you're doing it wrong. Another thing with the Envisalink 4 over the Envisalink 3, this is now 100BASE-T Ethernet compatible. That means that it supports speeds up to 100 megabytes per second. The Envisalink 4 also has a faster microprocessor and it will support 128 zones on your Honeywell if you have that many zones on your system.
Another thing about the Envisalink 4 over the Envisalink 3 is this now has more memory. So when they come out with future upgrades they will be able to push those upgrades directly to your Envisalink 4 and you will never miss out on new features.
I suggest you take a look at it. Follow this link right here, and if you have any questions give us a call at 888-811-0727, or visit our website, talk to the guys on chat, they can help you out. Have any questions? Let us know. It's been Jon Boroughs with Alarm System Store. Glad to see you. Y'all have a great day.