DSC Power Series 1616, 1832, and 1864 Programming Video Tutorial
DSC Power Series 1616, 1832, and 1864 Programming
Programming an alarm system is probably one of the most challenging aspects to DIY alarm installers. It's not difficult at all however if you take advantage of our programming quickstart guides and use our how to video tutorials. Below we'll show you how to program a DSC Power Series system.
Hi, Ryan here with alarmsystemstore.com to show you on how to program your DSC PowerSeries 1616, 1832 or 1864 alarm system. So let's get right to it, let's go to my table and let's program the system.
Now, you've got your system all wired up, and it's ready to be programmed. A couple of things that I'd like to do before I program any system is I make sure I have, off our website in the knowledge base is a quick start guide and, you click on knowledge base, and then you click on the manufacturer and then the system that you have and It'll pull up different documents. For the systems we sell we do have a quick start guide, and it basically dissects the installation manual. For the 1832 since the new version 4.6 came in our quick start guide kind of got expanded a little bit to about five or six pages just for the simple fact that quick start guide cover's version was 4.5 and older, and 4.6 and newer.
Quick start guide, and also in my piece of paper which in this case I've already filled out a little bit. On the paper, it's gonna be easiest if you write down all your zones, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, how many zones you have. What's on each zone, whether it's 4, this is a front door, my Zone 2 is a motion, and then the zone definition and type that you plan on using. There's several different types of definitions, 01, for example, is an entry-exit door that will give me an entry-exit delay when I come and leave, I can come in and out that door. 05 is a interior stay or away. It's typically used for motion detectors when your system is armed in away mode, your motion detector will be armed, it will go off instantly. If your home and your system is armed in the stay mode, your motion detector will be bypassed. That way you walk into the kitchen, or you walk through your living room, you get up in the middle of the night to use the restroom, you're not setting off your system when you walk in front of your motion detector. In stay mode, your motion detectors are the only things that's bypassed. Your doors, windows, glass, breaks, smoke detectors, all those will be armed and active. So when you're in stay mode the only thing affected is usually anything that set has 05 which typically is just motion detectors.
Also on this piece of paper, you'd want to put down the delay time that you would want for your entry and exit, which this in case I wrote my entry time first, I want 30 seconds and I want 60 seconds when I leave. And then also a code that I plan on using as my master code so that I'm not using the default 1234.
If you've got a quick start guide, you can follow along. This first part what I'm gonna do is step one in the quick start guide is gonna be setting your date and time. You can simply do that by entering *6, your master code which by default is 1234, and then you can use your arrow keys and go through and do different things. I usually just typically just hit one which is set date and time, all right? Time is military time, two digit hour, two digit minute, two digit month, two digit day, two digit year. I'll just put in a random time in there. If you get it wrong you come back to this section here, you can just hit one. If you're using a keypad: a fixed keypad or an LED keypad that doesn't display all this, we call it "you're doing it blind". Everything's the same except you just can't see it. So I can take a piece of paper here and program the same system with the keypads that you may have.
The time's in, so the next thing to do is...the next step will be the inner programming. You will hit *85555 which by default is the installer code. Some people consider it programming code. I'm going to enter section 001. This section is where you would list the definitions for all your zones. 001 is Zones 1-16. Zone 17 starts in section 002 and so forth.
The information I enter here comes off my zone definitions, off my paper here. I would just go straight down the list, I do not enter the zone numbers in this section at all. So my Zone 1 was a definition of 01, and my Zone 2 was a definition of 05. I don't have a Zone 3, I can null it out by 00s, these numbers popping up by default are in the system already. I can just hit 00 because I'm out. By default they're are only in there for the first eight zones. Once I enter all the data that I need in that section I can just go ahead and hit pound.
The next section is 202. Okay, this is a toggle option section, if you're following along in the quick start guide this section is where I can shut off unused zones. Since I'm always using Zones one and two, I don't need three, four, five, six, seven or eight on. So I'll hit those numbers and then turn them off. I'll hit # one time, and I'm back into main programming section.
Now, I'll go to section 005, and this section is now asking me for partition. I'm dealing with partition one, so I'll hit 01 and then the first set of three numbers is your entry time number one. My entry time I want to be 30 seconds, so I'm gonna go ahead and keep 030 there to enter it. Once it triple beeps and goes to the next section you once again are gonna see 030. This is for partition two. I go ahead and just keep them the same 030.
And then the third section is by default 060 which I want to be my exit delay. So I'll just go ahead and re-enter 060, triple beeps and that lets me know that it saved that information. I'm still in section 005 because it's wanting to know if I wanna do another partition or whatnot. I don't so I'm gonna hit # one time and go back out. The red light comes on, I'm back in the main programming section.
I'm going to go to section 013 and this is where I just automatically tell everybody to hit six and a one. One coming on is basically telling the system I did not use resistors when I programmed the system, If you used resistors leave 1 off, but our quick start guide tells people they don't need to use resistors and that they can hit one to tell the system that you're using normally closed contacts.
In the middle of the night, we're gonna enter section 015, in the middle of the night telephone lines go down, Internet may go down. Those of you that are using telephone lines, or Internet modems, or cell phones, or home phones, those go down periodically throughout the night and this number seven, I tell people to go ahead and toggle off. It will not affect your system at all however, that is a telephone line monitor, and if your system, phone lines or whatnot should go down in the middle of the night, that will keep an annoying little beep from popping up, so you can just hit that to turn that off.
Going through the quick start guide on our website there is a sample system to use to kind of give you an idea. If you've got wireless devices on how to enroll those wireless devices and whatnot. I'm just looking here to see if I skipped anything. We can set our master code, which I wanna set the master code which is section 007, and enter data. By default you see it's 1234, I'm going to enter 1555. That is now my new master code. I am going to hit pound, pound, pound to exit programming. I've got an orange triangle. I wanna see what that is. It's probably gonna say low battery and something about a siren. Service required I'm gonna hit pound, oh * sorry. It tells me low battery. First scroll, I'm gonna see bell circuit. That's just basically because right now I do not have a siren hooked up to the system and I do not have a backup battery hooked up to the system. If I hook those up that trouble light will go off.
That is it, that's the basic programming of a DSC PowerSeries System. Whether it's 1616, 1832, or 1864. What I've just done was in this quick start guide, I just went over it real quick, but like I said the most important section is at 001, you do not enter zone numbers, you just enter the two digit zone definitions, and after each beep it automatically jumps to the next zone and it's ready for the input.
Do not pay attention what the keypad shows when you're going through programming, different numbers may pop up and whatnot, just make sure you enter your information that you want. That is the basic steps to program your DSC PowerSeries alarm system, I'm Ryan with alarmsystemstore.com