What are my monitoring options with the DSC Impassa?
The Impassa has a built-in phone dialer that can be connected to any regular landline to communicate directly to a central station for monitoring. This is a great, reliable, and economical option if you have a landline.
However many people are cutting their ties to landline telephones. And even if you have access to it, it can be hard to justify paying for a landline just for the alarm system. Luckily we have some Impassa kits that come Alarm.com ready. These have a built-in cellular communicator that will communicate wirelessly to Alarm.com. Alarm.com gives you the flexibility to self-monitor, use central station monitoring, or a combination of the two. With their interactive service plans you can remotely control the alarm panel, set up custom notifications, use location based services, as well as having access to home automation if desired. And with their wireless signal forwarding, which can be bought separately and is included with all their interactive services, you can have alarm signals sent to a central station for monitoring.