BBB Business Review Service Signup And Activation through


Hey guys, Hayden here from Alarm Systems Store. And today I'm going to be showing you how to get signed up for service through our Web site. So it's a very simple process. And nine times out of ten, we can get you activated same day unless there's some sort of issues or you the activation form comes in extremely late and we will have your service up and going same day.

Central Station is another matter. Central Station is a separate activation that one can take up to two business days, possibly three worst case scenario but alarm dot com is very quick. So if you're wanting it, hop on over all you got to do is purchase it and then you'll get emails with instructions that I'm going to go over here in a minute and we can get you going anyway.

So just to simulate an order, I have an video service here added and that's the video with analytics plan. And then I also have the residential interactive service. So you guys know how to check out on online stores. So I'm not going to go for that, but basically just go ahead and make your purchase once you get checked out basically all you're going to do is go check your email.

You're going to have a receipt of purchase and you're also going to have activation emails depending on how many services you purchased. So I'm going to hop over and show you those. So once you guys have checked your email, you will be looking for two emails such as this. I don't have a receipt because I didn't actually make a purchase, but I'm right before that you should have a order receipt there, but basically you're going to look for these to service order instructions in video service.

So just to show you what they say, go ahead and click on it. And this is for the interactive residential plan and each one has its own instructions. So for communicators and there are instructions down here that show how to hook up the service for each panel but the main thing you need to keep an eye out for is this link right here.

This is an activation form. And when you click on this, it is going to bring up a page on our website once you get to this form and it's pretty self-explanatory. But just want to go over real quick. The first section order number, the service was purchased on. So you'll refer back to that receipt that you got and it will have an order number starting with the letter S as in Sierra so it'd beS plus five numbers first and last name, email and then phone number.

This first box is area code and the second box is phone number. So it'll be three digit area code and then the additional seven digits for your phone number and then the address where the equipment is going to be installed. So wherever that communicator is located, that address needs to go here.

If your billing method or your billing address, I'm sorry, is located in another address, then you will fill this out with the billing information for the card you are going to use. The make and model of the alarm system. So DSC, Honeywell, Qolsys, whatever it may be, The make and model of the device to activate it.

Now this one is not as critical. We can see that with the IMEI number, but it helps us show you where the IMEI number is located. If you happen to not be able to find it or if it's wrong whenever it gets sent in, if we know what type of device you have, it makes troubleshooting this form in particular a lot easier.

So make and model DSC PowerSeries, Neo, whatever, and then if you have like a DSC Neo, you will have a TL880, and if it's a Honeywell, it'll be an SEM300, et cetera. And then you will get the IMEI number of that device. So typically these are located on the device itself or inside the cover on a sticker.

Usually the sticker is green. Don't quote me on that. Some of them may be different colors, but it is a 15 digit number now. There's no letters, no special characters, it's just 15 numbers in a row. So you'll put that here and then you'll click submit once it is submitted, we will receive it and then we will begin the activation as soon as you are queued up.

So let's go back to the other email real quick. Like I said, don't forget to read the rest of the instructions on this email. Let's go to the video form real quick. The video form or I'm sorry, the video email actually does not have a form on it. And this one since it's just an video service and you can have cameras wherever you want as long as they're connected to Internet.

Basically, you just email this email right here, the customer service, email and just give them your order number and let them know that you are ready to activate your video service. Now, if you do have both residential and video or commercial video, whatever it is, if we see both services on the same order, we will activate them both.

So basically like in this case where we ordered both residential and video, both will be active at the same time. So once you get logged in, you can go ahead and add your cameras so once that is done, you will actually look forward to more emails. They're not going to come as quick as the automated emails. These will be sent once your account is actually active.

So in this case, we've actually activated an account for our IQ two plus panel here. So the first of those two emails is from, and this one is actually the log in email, and has a get started button. We're going to disregard that momentarily because there are instructions in the other email that we need to follow first.

This one is going to come from Andy Bowman. This is your activation. It basically says, I've activated your service. You'll get another email, but right here you will see. Make sure you initiate the cellular test in the installer functions of the keypad prior to the get started. So typically, depending on what type of alarm system you have, he will give instructions on how to do the system test or the signal test.

So after you've read that and you've sent your cellular tests to make sure to read the rest of these emails, all of the information in here is important. So right here it says please be advised that this activation is for service only. So that's what I was talking about earlier. Central Station is a separate activation.

So when you get this email, this will only be for your side. If you have interactive, this is when you can go get logged in. If you just got a wireless signal forwarding, you will not receive this email. But once you've done the cellular test, we're going to go click that get started button. Make sure right here, if you have a moment, give us a rating.

It helps a lot. Now I am going to go to our IQ two plus and I am going to send that cellular test and then I'll be back to click to get started link and we're going to go ahead and get logged in as if I were you. So I will be right back. All right so I just finished doing these cellular test on the IQ two plus.

So now I'm going to go ahead and click this gets started link right here. So if we click this. Ok, so this can also happen if you wait too long to activate or to click that get started link. So what we're going to do is we're going to go to click there, a little icon up there in the top left and basically it's just going to take you to their home page and then you can go ahead and click log in now this is my personal stuff.

So we're going to remove that and we're going to refer back to this email and the login name here is for me, it is a IQ two plus. So if we need log in, we're going to click login help. You can enter that username. So hey, IQ 2 Plus to this click submit and then you can go check your email and you should have received a password reset.

So let's go check email real quick. So we actually got one again, it shows here in the left that's actually from But basically this is our reset password link and so we're going to hit and go ahead and click reset password. Normally what should have happened when I clicked that get started link to is it would just immediately bring you to this page and then you would set up your credentials so you would make a password, et cetera.

So right here it's asking you to set up two factor authentication. So this is required nowadays so you can choose one other method to do this with text messages. Usually the simplest of the codes are the shortest and everybody's got their phone on them. So you can do it however you would like. I'm going to go ahead and do email that way.

I don't have to put my phone number in, but basically this is going to go to whatever email is plugged in here. This should be the will. This will be the email that you put on your form. So we hit send. I'm going to get a code to my email and I'm going to go ahead and enter that real quick.

I'll be right back. So you should get a six digit code like this. Click Verify. Two factor authentication has been enabled successfully. That's what we want to see. So you can trust this device or not, depending on where you are. And if you're on your phone or your home computer, go ahead and click trust if you're on, if you somewhere outside of your home on a network that you don't trust or a device you don't trust, you can go ahead and click that.

Otherwise, click next and then we will actually get the terms of service right here. So it's going to give you in terms of service this does not apply to Central Station or any other service that may be associated with your system. And this is just the terms and conditions for the cellular communicator you have and the service that you have.

There is a bunch of different languages here you can choose from. So read through that. Go ahead and click. I agree when you're done and then it will ask you to create a password. You know, I'm just going to do a simple one real quick and I did not put a symbol. So there we go there enough once the both match.

Then also if you have to do the password reset option there is a log out of all devices button right here you can click. So if later on you believe something or someone has compromised your account, you can go ahead and log out of all devices and it will do so for you. And that's not the case here.

We're just trying to get started. So I'm going to leave that blank and then click Save. So then you need to ask us or answer a security question. So let's pick one and one and a little bit of personal info here. What street did you live on in third grade? I actually lived on Prairie Stream Way. So click confirm and then they want to verify your email address for you.

So basically you're going to get a verification email again. So go ahead and click send email. This one all you need to do is pull up that email and then there's just a verify button right here. So you can go ahead and click. Then that verifies your email and tells them you are who you say you are. So now we can go ahead and start taking a look at the app itself.

So they've got little tutorials that pop up to you like this constantly. Pretty much everything you do has a tutorial, but that's where we're going to call it for today. I'll be back to explain more about the app itself in later videos, but for now, you guys like Subscribe, You know the drill and I will catch you guys on the next one.