Alarm.com ADC-CSVR2000P Enrollment And Setup
Hey, guys. Hayden here again from Alarm System Store. And today we're going to be taking a look at the CSVR2000P from alarm.com. And this video is going to cover the enrollment how to attach cameras to it, and then also settings and general use of the CSVR itself. I am recording this basically backwards. So I'm going to be basically recording the timeline footage first. And then I'm going to do the enrollment of the SVR and then attaching cameras to it after that. So if I repeat anything, I do apologize, but I'll go ahead and hop over to the enrollment of the SVR and take it from there. So I deleted the SVR. So now we're going to be doing the enrollment process for the device. So as you can see, basically we're just on the video page of our alarm.com account. And if you click on SVR timeline here at the top, then here in the middle you will see the option to add an SVR, and this is active as long as you have the SVR service active on your account. You'll see this page whenever you get here.
So click on add SVR. And if you are, basically hardwired all to the same network, generally it should show up here as a device you can add. But currently my computer is on a different network than the cover, so I do have to type this in. So give me one second. All right. So once you have that plugged in there just click find. And as long as your device is ready and connected to the internet then you should get this screen and it'll ask you to give it a name. show you the local IP through Dhcp and then, you just type in whatever name you want for it, SVR one or if you're just going to have one SVR, you can just leave it as SVR and click install. And basically it's just going to tell you that the installation has been started. And then you'll get to the screen and it's going to start basically installing your SVR onto your account. this can take upwards of ten minutes. sometimes it goes pretty quick. So let me just get through here and I'll let you guys know about how long it took.
All right. So once you get past the, installation screen, basically once the loading bar finishes, it just moves you on to the next step, which is asking whether or not you're going to connect this SVR to a display and watch live and recorded footage on, like a TV or a monitor or something along those lines. so over here you can select yes or no. If you select no, nothing happens. You just click next. But if you select yes, it asks you to create a password. And you'll use this password whenever you connect to your, SVR to the monitor. You'll need a mouse and keyboard on the SVR. But once the monitor boots up the display, basically it's going to ask you for this password that you're about to create. So for now, I'm going to go ahead and click no. And it's going to ask you right off the bat if you want to connect certain cameras to your account if they're already enrolled, if you don't have any cameras on your account and you're kind of starting with the SVR, and then you're going to add the cameras later, I'll show you how to do that. I'm just going to go ahead and select no for this. That way I can show you the whole process of adding a camera. But basically if you click it here, it's just going to take you through the steps that we'll go through here in a moment. It's going to ask one more time. Are you sure you don't want to add cameras again. It only asked you this if you do have cameras installed on your account already.
But anyway, moving on. It just takes you back to the video device setup screen. So now if we go back a few pages out here, we'll do it this way. We'll bring back up the video page. And then if we click on SVR timeline again you'll see the option down here has changed. Since we do have a camera connected to the account, I click here to add an SVR schedule to this account. You'll select the SVR that you're adding the device to, and then you'll select the camera up here. So if you have multiple cameras, just make sure you name them something so that you know which one is which. just select the camera that you want to use. You can choose the resolution, the low, high or medium frame rate, anywhere from 2 to 10 frames per second, quality from reduced up to highest. So these options are mainly to determine how much space is going to be taken up by the footage from this camera. since I'm only working with a single camera, I'm just going to choose the max options. So you can use high resolution ten frames per second, and we're going to use the highest quality possible. Now, if you have a lot of cameras and you don't have a large hard drive in there yet, it might be better to leave the resolution in the quality a little bit lower. And that way multiple cameras won't take up as much space as all of the cameras absolutely maxed out.
Now, if you require very high quality for all of your cameras, you are going to have to upgrade the hard drive. I think with a two terabyte hard drive like this one comes in it. If you had eight cameras running at the max, you could probably only get about two days worth of footage from them. So you are going to want to upgrade your hard drive. If you want to max out these settings on a larger group of cameras. So once you've decided that though, just click Save and then it's going to basically add that camera to the SVR so that it knows to start recording. And once it has finished, it'll just take you to your timeline. So this is back where we started the video. But the only other thing we need to do is set up recording rules. So this is going to be the same for basically your cameras as well as the SVR cameras. Basically you just choose the camera that you want to add a rule to, and then you're going to set up when it records, how it records, what it's going to try and record things along those lines. Currently, there is a rule, the test room door that you guys are going to see in a moment, when I showcase the timeline setup. But anyway, we're going to delete that.
And then basically, we're going to just recreate a new rule doing the same thing. So once that is deleted up here at the top right you'll click Add New Rule. And then you can choose multiple different options as to what's going to trigger the rule. I would recommend if you're going to have, an alarm system working alongside this to set up some of these other ones, center, open or closed system or disarmed alarm conditions, which is the standard one that you see right here in the background: alarms schedule. That one is there by default, so you don't have to set that up. But if you want to kind of customize it, you can, disable this one or delete the preset one and create your own alarm condition recording rule. But we're going to do a video analytics rule because that is the primary use for this. I did have to move things around a little bit. The IQ panel is kind of in the way but anyway, let's just choose whether we're going to use a ground zone or a trip wire for the camera, and we'll just do the same exact thing. We'll put a box around the doors. So that's what it records.
So we're going to do a ground zone, which just lets you select an area where the camera's going to focus on motion capture. We're just going to draw a box around the door as I had it before. So just click next until it gets to this screen. And then you can create a rule name if you want. test room door and then this box right here is your ground zone. So you can move this around and set it as needed. So just set that over the area where you want that camera to pick up motion. The next selection is duration inside of area of interest. So this ground zone that I created it's asking you how long something has to be in this area before it starts recording. But right here you can select anywhere from 0.5 seconds to 100 and 20s. So, if you're putting this, you know, let's say you got a, driveway that you're covering and, you know, it only takes you about 30s to pull into your driveway, and you can set this for 45 seconds. In that way, it'll only record a clip if something is in your driveway for more than 45 seconds. Now, that's probably not the best example. I feel like if it was my driveway, I would want something picked up no matter what. But anyway, you guys get the idea.
So just select the duration that something needs to be in this area, and then we'll move on to the recording rule options itself. So you can set the minimum delay between clips. So if you want it to be able to take a clip every 30s, you can select that or you can change it to 15 minutes is the max. Basically that determines how long between each clip it's going to wait before it can record a new clip on that camera. So set that as desired, and then it's going to ask that the rule will run at all times or only during the following times. So at all times it's basically it's always active. Only during the following times allows you to select a schedule.
So this is how you can kind of customize when your cameras are actually going to be able to pick up clips. So if you know something happens at the same time every day, you can kind of customize when it's going to not bother recording because you know something is going to be going on, so on and so forth. And then over here you can select exceptions to the at all times or only during following times rule. So you can set it so that when the panel is disarmed, it's not going to record. When the panel is armed stay. It's not going to record. You can set up a geo device option where if you know my phone is inside my home or inside this building, it's not going to record. So on and so forth. And I do want to be clear, since this is attached to an SVR, it will always be recording. So this all these settings regarding when the camera can record and things like that, it is specifically talking about clips and events that are taken by the camera.
And moving on from there, you can select whether or not the camera status LED is going to start. It's going to blink whenever, the camera starts to record a clip. So if you toggle this on basically all Alarm.com cameras have an LED somewhere on them that flashes. And that's kind of just an indicator to let you know that it's recording or to let an intruder know. There's also the camera audio alert. Basically, if you enable this, it allows you to make the camera make a short audio sound like a short beep long beep. It's got a few pre-made sound, but basically when the camera starts to record a clip, it just makes an audible alert. And then if you want the LED comes on in. Those two are just to let you know. Whoever is being recorded by the camera know that they're being recorded. So it's kind of a preventative measure option. And then down here you set the minimum delay between alerts. So generally you'll just set this at the same amount of time that you have your own delay between clips set. But basically that's how long it waits in between alerts before it will do that alert again, whether it's the LED or the audible sound.
Now, one thing to note is the audible sound is only available on certain cameras that have two way audio. Some cameras don't give this option like, don't cameras don't have speakers in them. So you wouldn't have that option on the don't cameras. But anyway, going on from there, you can select what it is going to record for. So send notification for clips containing, people, vehicles, animals or other so you can set this to whatever you desire. So if it's specifically catches a person, it'll only send those if it catches a vehicle, it'll only send clips for them. So on and so forth. pretty straightforward. And then down at the bottom you're going to select your notification preferences. So you can select where the notifications are going to go to any push devices that are on your account. You can add those things like email notifications and SMS notifications. So you set that up as you desire and then click Save. And once that's saved, it just takes you back to this screen. You can continue to add a new rule or whatever you would like to do if you need to edit any rules. This pencil here allows you to edit them and that is pretty much it as far as enrolling and setting up your cameras go on your SVR. So now we're going to jump back over to the beginning of my recording where I show the timeline. That way you guys can see like some full timeline footage with some clips and triggers and stuff like that. So we'll jump over to that.
All right. So now that I've shown how to enroll the SVR and attach cameras to it, we're going to take a look at the timeline footage. Essentially once you have it enrolled and you have your cameras attached, you can go into your video settings or your video tab over here. And then up at the top you will see an SVR timeline menu that you can click on. So if we click on that SVR timeline option, basically, as you can see, it just takes us to another basic live view option here. I can start just playing this and it will start wherever this little red marker is down here. So you can move that around. That's basically how you scroll your timeline, but as I mentioned, I do only have the one camera on here. I believe if you have multiple cameras, it will show them very similarly to how it would on a monitor, where it would break each one open. And you can click on the individual ones that you want to access. the other option would be basically a dropdown menu up here in the top left, because I couldn't get the 522s there to enroll, they're not compatible with the SVR. I was going to have multiple cameras on here, but I don't have enough extra cameras laying around to attach to this SVR. So we're just going to have to work with the one. And it should be pretty straightforward how to switch between cameras or how do you each individual camera, when you get to the screen
Anyway moving forward. For each individual camera you do have a few options up here at the top. So on the top right there's this blue HD button. And that allows you to enable or disable the HD option for that camera through the SVR. So right now it is recording in HD. If I click that off, it basically starts recording in standard definition, but you can toggle that back and forth for each individual camera. So if there are some that you, get a better view from and you don't need the higher definition, you can disable that. And that should save you some space on the SVR hard drives. Also at the top are a theater mode option and a full screen mode option. So whichever camera you have selected, if you click the theater mode, it basically brings it up like this. And then there's also if you click the full screen, it just reduces, it just takes away basically the borders, which would be the outer edges of your, browser here. And then this far right top option is a keyboard shortcuts option.
So as you can see, there's quite a few of them. And I'm not going to go over each one. They're pretty self-explanatory. T is theater mode, F is full screen mode, E is expand and restore, N is next, camera, B is previous camera, so on and so forth. This little menu here is basically just a reference for you guys, so that you guys can quickly navigate your camera's as well as scroll, enlarge, zoom in, whatever you want to do. So any time you're in here, if you are comfortable using a keyboard to basically go through your layout, pop this menu open and use those shortcuts, and it'll basically allow you to peruse the CSVR a little bit quicker. Anyway, moving on from there. Down here at the bottom left, we have the date that you are currently viewing, and you have this little two arrow drop down thing. It doesn't really do much. It just kind of minimizes the timeline. So it saves a little bit of space, kind of enlarges the picture a little bit. And then in the middle here you'll see a seek back, a seek forward and a pause and play button. Basically that just allows you to peruse your timeline without actually physically moving this little red marker, which is the current time that you're viewing. so you can use that if you want. And then on the right here there is a speed option. So you can choose anywhere from one times speed up to eight times speed. So if you need to speed through anything that you're viewing, define a specific event or pick something up. Whatever the case might be, you can speed that up there.
And then right here we have hour and day. So right now mine set to hour. And as you can see the current time is 439. It is showing me from 335 to 435. So I opened the screen at 435. So that is basically showing me the last hour. As soon as I opened this camera. If you click day here, it changes your timeline so that you can see all day from 435 yesterday to 435 today. And over here, this is the amount of time that I have had it recording. Now, normally if you've had this going for multiple days, this will be all the way filled up. And on the timeline here, there are all these orange dots. Those are actual events. Those are either panel events or they are camera events. And we'll kind of break those down in a moment. But that is kind of how you choose where you want to view your, camera footage. Right here next to the day option is a calendar option. So if you need to select a specific day, you click that little calendar. You can come in here, choose the day, and choose the start time for when you're going to view your footage.
And then the last option here is a show sidebar. And basically what that does is it brings up an activity menu so that you can actually see all these orange events that I mentioned. It will list all of them out here with a little bit of text, so that you know exactly what's happening. So you can see unknown object person detection, person detection in the time that they happened. And it basically breaks those up by day. So, let me get rid of that and then we'll take a look at the timeline itself. So as I mentioned right now I am on the day mode. And as you can see, I have the blue line which is my recorded footage, but I also have these orange indicators. And these first two, these actually happened yesterday before the SVR was even attached to the account. But these are panel events. So the panel motion detector, this is the IQ for demo system that I have. but you can see the events on the panel. So if something like this happens and you kind of want and you just want to check your camera to see what was captured at the time of a system event rather than a video event, you can actually do that.
So the panel motion was activated. Panel motion went back to idle. And then let me change this back to our real quick. And then we'll go back a couple hours so that we can find some events. All right. So let me go back a little bit further. So here is basically when the SVR started recording that was at 12:54 p.m. today. And you can see as I mentioned, each of those events is showing up. And if you highlight the little circles that are above the timeline, it actually shows you via text what that event was. But right here, we'll check these two out. these are what I wanted to show, but basically I set it up so that the camera had a viewing recording rule for anything that went across that doorway. So as you can see, it captured me there. And if I click on the event itself, it starts the time that you start viewing just a little bit before the event so that you can see everything leading up to it. And you can see I just walked by and then a few minutes later I came back in. I'm going to speed this up to two times, but I came in and I moved this, shelf because it was slightly in front of the door, and I didn't want to interrupt any of the recorded footage, but basically scooted some stuff out of the way, and then I walked back out.
So nothing super exciting as far as the video goes. But that is how you view your events. Basically, you just click on the event that you want to see and pull that camera, and it will show you the time leading up to that have been, and then everything that happened during the event. And if you need to just scroll through, find the event that you want, as I mentioned on that little, sidebar menu, if you want, you can open this up and you can just peruse events this way. So you change this back to Daily real quick. And that way we have the full day's worth of events listed. If I click this, it's going to take me back to just before 240 where, Andy walked in front of the screen there and you can see, captured him real quick. It is still in two times mode. That is one thing that you have to kind of get used to. If you set it to a higher speed, it will stay in the higher speed. So if you're trying to slow things down, just make sure that you double check that before you start viewing the event.
And really, that's pretty much it for, the SVR timeline. It's pretty straightforward. as I mentioned, there are, all these keyboard shortcuts that you can do as well. If you want to zoom in on your footage, you're welcome to, you can increase speed, reduce speed, and seek and all that just with quick keyboard shortcuts and peruse your SVR timeline as needed. So it's pretty straightforward. It works the same way as a standard SVR. I'm going to, as I mentioned, probably set this up with a monitor and a keyboard and mouse so that we can take a look at something like that. Basically it's going to work the same way. You just choose the camera that you want to view and you can zoom in on it. You can do whatever you want and check the timeline. So as I mentioned, I am recording this out of order. So this is a little bit odd, but essentially this should be the end of the video.
So hopefully you guys enjoyed all of this. And if you're looking at getting a CSVR, hopefully this helps you guys set it up there. Super easy to to get going. I probably mentioned this already, but the only trouble that I ran into is, with our 724 camera. it didn't all automatically update to the latest firmware, so I did have trouble attaching the camera to the SVR right at first, but once I took a look at the camera settings, I found out that it just needed to be updated, and as soon as it was updated, it allowed me to add to the SVR and it started recording 24/7. So it's pretty straightforward. But anyway, for those of you that are unfamiliar with this, hopefully it did help you. And if you have any interest in a CSVR from alarm.com, by all means check us out and alarmsystemstore.com. We offer both the video services as well as the equipment you'll need to get everything going. So if you guys are on YouTube, give us a like and subscribe. And if you're on our website, hopefully you're finding what you need and I will catch you guys on the next one.